Monday, November 30, 2009

Dear Students:

LSN Government students should review information on Congress, especially what we studied before Thanksgiving. Also, we will do Questions 6-10 of the practice assessment as homework.

Dr. Herz

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

November 24, 2009

Dear Students:

History and government students should read the paper given to you in class. It deals with how Thanksgiving intersects with the following things that you have studied:

(1) European settlement of the New World.
(2) Protestant Reformation.
(3) Royal Absolutism vs. political compact.
(4) European dynasties.

All government students are facing a quiz on Congressional investigation and oversight functions。

Chinese One students have some writing to do. I'll expect to see it on Tuesday!

祝你们感恩节快乐! Happy Thanksgiving!

Dr. Herz

Friday, November 20, 2009

Dear students:

3d period A-day LSN Students should review vocabulary related to the investigative and oversight functions of Congress.

B-day LSN Students should review concepts about Congress. We will be doing a reading and exercise on Monday.

History Students should read the handout and answer the five questions. Also, do the puzzle.

Chinese One students should review vocabulary.

Dr. Herz

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Week ending 11/20/09

World History students: Please read the handout and answer the five questions! They are due on Friday, Nov. 18, 2009.

Chinese One students: Be sure to memorize the poem "Yi Wang Er San Li" for Friday, Nov. 18, 2009.

LSN Government students: Be ready to study the investigation and oversight functions of Congress and citizen influence (lobbying). Third period kids--you will have a vocabulary quiz.


This is a blog for students, parents, and staff at Parkdale Senior High School. It will have information on World History, LSN Government, and Elementary Chinese. It welcomes questions from students.

Doc Herz