Friday, September 30, 2011

Map Changes for World History Students.

This map shows the territories ruled by CHarles V, who spoke Spanish to God, French to friends, Italian to women, and German to horses. What modern countries were parts of Charles V's empire?

This next map shows Europe in 1648, after the Thirty Years' War ended. Can you see if there are any lands which Charles V ruled which are no longer under the Habsburg dynasty?

Remember Marco Polo, who visited China in 1285? Here is a map of the China that Kublai Khan ruled. The dynasty to which Kublai Khan belonged was called the Yuan. It was a period when the Mongols, a people who were foreign to the Chinese, ruled China.

Are there any modern countries that were part of the Great Khanate of Kublai Khan which are no longer part of China?

Next, since we've heard reports about Zhu Yuanzhang, who founded overthrew the Yuan dynasty and started the Ming Dynasty, here is a map of China under the Ming Dynasty.

Who ruled more land--the Yuan emperor Kublai Khan, or the Ming emperors?

Something to think about:

During the period between 1350-1700 A.D., we divide European history into ages of Renaissance, Reformation, Exploration, and Royal Absolutism. During the same period of time, the Ming dynasty ruled China during the years 1368-1644 (it lasted until 1683 on Taiwan!).

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